10 Easy Jobs You Can Do Whilst Travelling The World – 2023 Guide

10 Easy Jobs You Can Do Whilst Travelling The World – 2023 Guide

If you’re stuck in the 9 till 5 ruts and dreaming of long lazy days on the beach, perhaps traveling and working could be for you. Working whilst you’re away can help you afford to travel for longer and enjoy more of the countries you’ve been longing to visit. There’s lots of work you can do whilst holiday abroad – from bartending to busking. Here, we look at some of the most popular part-time jobs that travelers take on.


House sitting

Whilst it won’t pay you anything, house sitting covers the cost of your accommodation whilst you’re away (one of the biggest expenses when traveling). There are plenty of sites that will hook you up with opportunities – trustedhousesitters.com being one of the most popular.

Currently, there are 1,300 places available in the UK, allowing you to stay the breadth of the country without paying a penny. The only thing you’ll have to do for your free digs is to take care of the owner’s pets whilst they’re gone.

Housesittersamerica.com runs a similar service for the US, charging sitters $30 a year to register. However, they are much smaller than their UK counterpart – currently, they have over 100 opportunities available for the coming weeks.

Hostel cleaning

Another great way to get free accommodation is to work for the hostel you’re staying at. Plenty of hostels are happy to provide free accommodation in exchange for light work. Even if you have to pay, hostels are an incredibly cheap way to travel the world, costing a fraction of what you pay a hotel. You can find hostels to stay at hostelworld.com.

Peace Corps volunteering

Volunteering for the Peace Corps is another great way to travel. You are likely to serve in a country that may have many issues but at the same time, will reward you with immersion in local culture and tradition. Some expenses are paid. Find out more at peacecorps.gov.


Becoming a travel blogger isn’t an overnight gig – it’s something you’ll have to work hard at first. Typically it can take 1 – 3 years to build up a blog that can earn enough to support you whilst on the road. If this is something you’re interested in, Pat Flynn has created an awesome blog with step-by-step guides on how to grow your audience and generate income at smartpassiveincome.com.



If you can play an instrument or perform in some other way, busking is a great way to make money in tourist areas. Some spots (such as the Metro corridors in Paris) need a permit so check ahead to ensure you won’t be breaking any local laws. Lots of performers hop on and off the trains and perform but this is often perceived as a form of begging and frowned upon.


Img Source: craftybartending.com

If bartending or waitressing is your plan to generate cash, check the country’s rules as to work permits before you go. Most people will need to apply for a residence and work permit on arrival in their target country – but some have to apply before entering (depending on where you are from).

Without the correct permit, you may find bars or restaurants that will hire you for casual work but you do run the risk of deportation if you’re caught. Checking the work permit rules and making proper arrangements before you go is a safer bet.

You’ll typically be expected to present a CV or Résumé when applying for this type of position. Use a professional CV template such as those offered by Jobs.ac.uk, CV Template Master or the University of Oxford. Wherever you’ve worked previously, make sure you emphasize the transferable skills and experience that are most relevant to your target role.

Fruit or veg picking

A popular way to generate some cash on your travels is through fruit or veg picking. This is highly seasonal and tough work, but it’s not difficult to pick up. Australia is well known for having these opportunities – but look into the holiday working visa before you go. Workingholiday.co has a great guide to seasonal fruit picking in Australia here: workingholiday.co/fruit-picking-seasons-in-australia


Img Source: unsplash.com

Stock photo websites are always looking for a supply of photos – and there are plenty that will pay you a commission for any that are used. Whilst traveling around, you can upload and sell the photos you’re taking on these sites to make some extra cash. Popular choices include:

  • com – sign up at https://jonyau.typeform.com/to/oVrYWx
  • com – sign up at https://submit.shutterstock.com/?language=en
  • Gettyimages – sign up at https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/workwithus

Au pair/nanny

Getting a job as an au pair or nanny will not only pay you a wage but you’ll also have free accommodation too. The downside is that hours are long and typically you’ll only get one day off a week to enjoy your surroundings. However, you’ll be living in another country and exposing yourself to a brand new culture and way of life for as long as your placement continues.


Plenty of sites offer these opportunities – aupair.com and aupairworld.com are popular.


Whilst house sitting involves taking care of someone’s house (and often their pet), caretaking may involve taking care of a business such as a motel. There’s usually a fee paid in addition to the free accommodation on offer. You can find caretaking jobs here: caretakerjobs.com.