How Often should Endoscopes be Reprocessed – 2023 Guide

How Often should Endoscopes be Reprocessed – 2023 Guide

An endoscope is a medical device that is used for deep examinations, which means it gets in the body through the openings and gets to the organs that need to be monitored. They provide a high-res picture, so the doctors can diagnose the condition better. The procedure is known as endoscopy. The small optical camera is placed at the end of the thin tube, that is illuminating the area around. The examination is not really pleasant, so very often the patient is getting total anesthesia, so they don’t feel any pain and somehow mess with the examination process. At the same time, doctors are getting a clear look at the issue in real-time.

Also, every similar device, as you can see on yateks, has the same name, but a different purpose. Even in the industry, some endoscopes can be used, for specific measures. But, no matter what the purpose is, the maintenance should be done regularly, after every use, especially in medicine and at veterinary offices. If it’s done properly, you will be sure that every time you use it, you will get the best results possible. Regular maintenance and repairs will be very helpful for your office to save money, and effective time examining the patients.

In ideal cases, you should do it every day, especially in medicine. In industry, you can do that every three to five days, especially if you measure at the same line. But, when moved to another one, reprocess the device, and start all over again.

Here are the best ways how to do that.


1. Clean it properly at the initial stage

You should clean the endoscope before every use, and disinfect it properly. Do it once again when you have to use it again. It’s crucial for the device to be cleaned immediately after it’s removed from the patient. By doing that, you don’t let any contamination occur. The technician who is responsible for the hygiene should soak the waterproof parts in a cleaning solution. Separate the removable parts, so you can be sure every inch is clear. The components that can’t be soaked in water should be disinfected properly.

2. Check for leaks

Tubes are very thin, and no matter how durable the material is, some cracks and leaks can happen. Check every channel for that, before the next examination. Do this test after it’s cleaned, and then clean it again. After it’s completely dry and you are sure there aren’t any damages, it should be stored properly, until the next scheduled appointment.

3. The deep cleaning

The two paragraphs above were dedicated to the pre-cleaning process, which is done immediately after the device is removed from the patient. But, after that, the technician is taking the parts and components and puts them for deep scrubbing. They can even use a brush or cloths to remove every particle of dirt, according to the manual guide the manufacturer probably provided. Not everyone is eligible to do this, so the scope technicians are an important part of cleaning and sterilization. They know exactly which parts can be cleaned in water and special soap, and which should be disinfected and sterilized in a device used for that.


All the components should be properly rinsed, so there is no detergent on them. You will need to do that a few times in clean water until you are sure it’s completely clean. Drying can take more time and effort, especially the tubes, because they will need airflow to release the small drops of water from the inside. Drying is crucial before the complete disinfection, which can be done with advanced chemicals and UV lights. After the disinfection, use 70% ethyl alcohol for the final touch – and that’s how you are sure everything is done properly. Wipe the components, and use swabs for the smaller parts. And at the end of the process, make sure you run a diary of everything, and protect the device until it’s used again. That’s the only way you can be sure you didn’t skip any step during the process.

4. The final touch

Use a fiber cloth or any other appropriate material to clean every potential drop of rubbing alcohol or water. Assemble the components again, and mark them as disinfected and safe to use again. Store them properly until the next patient arrives at the office.

5. Preparing for the next use

Before every use, the technician should once again check if everything is right before the endoscope is used on the patient again. That’s a rule in every field covered, including medicine, veterinary, and of course, the industry. By checking the endoscope before you use it, you can be sure it’s properly cleaned before, it was nicely stored, and it’s safe to use it again.

The reusable tubes and their purpose


Many hospitals still use non-reusable tubes and other components, but the issue with the excess plastic is always a huge environmental risk. Medical waste is a big problem too. Some components can be properly cleaned by soaking in detergent and disinfectant, and there is no reason to use them separately for every patient. Also, the hospitals should provide that option too for the patients who insist on it.

In industry, is also beneficial to use reusable tubes, since the risk of contamination is different, and there is no risk of spreading infections and diseases when the reprocessing wasn’t done properly. But, when the endoscope is properly maintained, the deep monitoring and diagnosing procedures are more relevant. Not just the endoscopes, every device in the hospitals require proper cleaning after every use if it’s reusable.

Every different type of endoscope should be maintained and reprocessed, so the doctors won’t need to buy it every now and then. With an endoscope and its sub-types, they can examine the gastrointestinal tract, which is the most common purpose, but also the respiratory system, ears, urinary tract, gynecology, and laparoscopy. In every case, every device requires proper maintenance, so it can last for a long time, without requiring some critical fixes.